Thursday, April 2, 2020

English Learning Websites in Bangladesh

English Learning Websites in BangladeshThe English language has always been one of the most sought after languages in Bangladesh. Since the British, they have been using English to communicate with each other, with foreign investors and even as a medium of instruction in universities.However, today, it is not the case. Bangladesh has become a melting pot of different nationalities from different parts of the world. English is no longer a compulsory subject in schools and colleges.Today, even educated citizens from the West like you, love to learn English. There are many learning websites in Bangladesh that cater to your needs. It is up to you to choose the most suitable one, which is suited to your needs.You can use the English websites for various purposes like as a place to find work, register for education and other official services and so on. No matter what purpose you want to use it for, there is a website that suits your needs.The more common reason why you will use an English website is for business purposes. In order to get a job, you need to speak and write English. If you don't know how to speak and write it, or if you don't speak it very well, then using the website will be of great help.Other than business, the website can also be used for studying and language study. You can either register for an English learning course online or get an online English lesson guide from the website. You can even take the lessons in your own time, whatever the time of the day you feel like studying, you can always do so at your own convenience.The best part about learning English in Bangladesh is that it is available for free. That is why most people choose to go for the free websites. They can also learn English through videos and audio CD's.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Algebra Tutor Online Why You Need an Algebra Tutoring

Algebra Tutor Online Why You Need an Algebra Tutoring 0SHARESShare Online tutoring is to render help at your doorstep to prevent you from facing those unwanted moments of embarrassment in education. Online Algebra tutoring is essential in this context to make you realize your Math potential and build high hopes upon it. Algebra Tutor Online: Why you need an online tutor in Algebra? Because, He makes you realize what potential you have in Algebra and brings it to the surface Most of your dormant abilities are kindled by an online Algebra tutor that you are able to make strong your Math foundation and  that you could  improve your GPA Learning Algebra with clarity is an indispensable aspect of Math doing for future purposes Algebra help like Algebra solver  online helps you gain the confidence and strength to do all portfolios related to Math like Engineering and Computer courses with efficiency It helps improve your cognitive ability, reasoning skills and verbal ability In general, Algebra learning promotes problem solving skills and helps in constructing viable arguments and evaluating others arguments. A good foundation in Algebra is an encouraging aspect to engage oneself in future study prospects with success, since it makes your potential in Math a reality. So, it is advisable to utilize proper homework help or remedial review for Algebra learning through online sources right from the beginning of your academic career to bring your dreams to reality. helps students in realizing their Math potential through its effective Algebra tutoring online. Get in touch with our Algebra Tutor Now! [starbox id=admin]

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Numerous Advantages of Online Tutoring

The Numerous Advantages of Online Tutoring 0SHARESShare Once you have enrolled yourself for an online tutoring program  you will discover the immense advantages of this mode of learning. The foremost advantage is that of convenience. You are sitting at home and being guided by a learned teacher who maybe sitting thousands of miles away. There is a tremendous amount of time saving when you go for online tutoring. You do not have to waste time in commuting to a distant classroom. You also save money that you would have had to spend on transportation. Online tutoring is also very efficient. You have a vast library of audio video files available to you once you enroll for an online tutoring program. You can study these in your spare time. You now also have the confidence of knowing that someone is there to help you with your homework. Earlier you could not turn to anyone for guidance. Now at the appointed time your online tutor will help you understand difficult subjects. This medium of learning is full of advantages. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Covariance Equation

Covariance Equation Covariance equation is the important part of the statistics. This tool is helpful in finding out the covariance. But this involves important considerations. To understand this equation we need to first understand the meaning of mean, as mean is very important in finding out the covariance. In simple words, mean is defined as the sum of all terms divided by the number of terms. The following steps are the basics to calculate the covariance. This is all part of covariance equation. First step is to calculate the mean of first variable (X) and second variable (Y) Multiply each data entry point of first (X) with second variable (Y). Next step is to calculate the mean of obtained terms in step II (XY). After this step we need to find out the product of mean of X and Y. Last step is to find out the difference between the mean obtained in step 4 (X and Y) from the mean obtained in step 3 (XY). That is: - mean (XY) mean (X Y). This calculated difference is covariance. Example 1: Two variables are given X (1, 1, 1, 1) and Y (2, 2, 2, 2). Find the covariance. Solution: Given two variables, X (1, 1, 1, 1) and Y (2, 2, 2, 2) To find: - Covariance Step 1:- Mean of X = (1+ 1+ 1+ 1)/4 = 4/4 = 1 Mean of Y = (2+ 2+ 2+ 2)/4 = 8/4 = 2 Step 2:- Now we need each data point of X and Y that is (2x1, 2x1, 2x1, 2x1) = (2, 2, 2, 2) Step 3:- Now the mean of XY = (2+2+2+2)/4 = 8/4 = 2 Step 4:- Next step is to multiply the mean of X and Y, that is 2 x 1= 2 Step 5:- Therefore Covariance = 2 2 = 0. Since covariance is zero, therefore it is known as uncorrelated. Example 2: Two variables are given X (4, 4, 2, 2) and Y (2, 2, 2, 2). Find the covariance. Solution: Given two variables, X (4, 4, 2, 2) and Y (2, 2, 2, 2) To find: - Covariance Step 1:- Mean of X = (4+ 4+ 2+ 2)/4 = 12/4 = 3 Mean of Y = (2+ 2+ 2+ 2)/4 = 8/4 = 2 Step 2:- Now we need each data point of X and Y that is (2x4, 2x4, 2x2, 2x2) = (8, 8, 4, 4) Step 3:- Now the mean of XY = (8+8+4+4)/4 = 24/4 = 6 Step 4:- Next step is to multiply the mean of X and Y, that is 3 x 2= 6 Step 5:- Therefore Covariance = 6 6 =0 Since covariance is zero, therefore it is known as uncorrelated.

Top 10 Online Tutoring Schools

Top 10 Online Tutoring Schools With the internet penetrating and connecting every nook and corner of the world, the online platform has garnered a lot of popularity in various sectors such as commerce, finance, health and education. Particularly in education, this platform finds excellent use for students these days opt for online learning. With a lot of demand for round the clock help and expert support 24*7, many top notch universities and schools today offer online tutoring services. Here is a list of the top 10 online tutoring schools and the kind of services that they offer; read on. Binghamton University This popular State University of New York offers a variety of free online tutoring programs for students who have enrolled with the University. Qualified and proficient tutors are handpicked for these sessions and the lessons are offered in the following subjects: math, writing, accounting, biology and chemistry. These services are open for five days a week from Sunday through Thursday and taught from 7 pm till midnight. Students are sure to benefit from such classes as the subjects chosen for these classes are conducted are usually the problem makers for most students. St. Petersburg College This eminent college offers 24*7 online tutoring services for a variety of courses through its SmartThinking platform. There is an impressive ‘Drop in Tutoring’ feature that lets the students connect with a live tutor to work on their problem areas. This feature is available for a wide variety of subjects from arts and humanities to social and behavioral sciences. Yet another interesting feature is the Writing Center wherein a student can upload his/her paper or assignment and get it reviewed by subject experts. With such hands on help students are sure to get top notch grades in their exams and maintain a good GPA. UCLA Engineering UCLA Engineering offers free online tutoring to middle and high school students in the Southern California region. Students at UCLA Engineering are voluntary tutors in this program and it is designed to help students with tricky areas in math and sciences. Homework help, clarification of doubts, discussion forums and live interactions are the different learning options available to students in this amazing platform. Numerous schools are participating in this outreach program and have benefitted from it and students find it easier to communicate and learn in this platform as there are a number of innovative tools such interactive whiteboards that are employed to help students learn better. Fulton Schools of Engineering Fulton Schools of Engineering offers free online tutoring programs to students pursuing their under grad courses at the Arizona State University. The competition and difficulty at under grad levels are too high today and students find the need for additional help to cope with the stress and standards of today’s education. The online classes are open from 4-9 pm through the week and from 2- 9 pm on Sundays. Review sessions, workshops, options to interact with tutors without enrolling (as guests) and so on are available with these online tutoring sessions. The online classes are available for a variety of subjects and are conducted in a manner that is conducive to learning. Arizona State University The Arizona State University’s tutoring sessions are built around the concept â€" ‘Access Assistance Anywhere’. This succinctly captures the whole idea behind online tutoring and allows interactions with peer tutors (who have completed the classes on which the student seeking tutoring has currently enrolled. Innovative learning tools such as interactive whiteboards are employed in this forum and the tutors use power point slides and pdf documents to clarify doubts. Sessions are even recorded to allow for review later and the tutors are available from Sunday through Friday. On call assistance is available through the week and apart from this review sessions, online mentoring and online guides and videos too are available to help students learn better. New York Institute of Technology NYIT offers online tutoring services via Brainfuse and offers help in a variety of subjects such as math, physics, college writing, life sciences, business, accounting, resume help and computer literacy. Help for some of the subject areas are available throughout the day and round the clock with live tutors! With expert help being available 24*7 on a wide variety of subjects, students find it easier to cope with complex topics. Also, students have to be prepared with their questions in advanced to seek the tutor’s help and this ensures that they actually put in the requisite effort before connecting with a tutor. College of Staten Island Apart from drop in tutoring options, the College of Staten Island also offers online tutoring services. The online classes are free and students can avail them in the following subjects: English writing, History Core 100, Math, Physics and Spanish. These tutoring sessions serve to supplement class-room learning and any subject area that the student finds difficult can be addressed in these sessions. Tutors also offer help with essays, take-home exams and help students hone their presentation and writing skills so that they can turn in better assignments and essays. Math Tutor Math tutor is a website that offers innovative learning solutions to facilitate easier learning of middle school math. This is a free website and students get to enjoy the use of intelligent software tutors. Students receive step by step explanations and feedback and these software solutions were built at the Carnegie Mellon University after extensive research and thus provide for a rich and comfortable learning experience for students. The curriculum and content available is aligned towards NCTM Focal Points and Common Care Domains. Students find it rewarding and fun to learn with such intelligent software and this technology has a proven success record. MiraCosta College MiraCosta College provides live and mail based tutoring services as part of the Western eTutoring Consortium of Colleges Universities. Easy and fun to learn, this platform offers tutoring in many subject areas where students struggle to get good grades and they are: accounting, calculus, chemistry, physics, anatomy physiology, biology, economics, engineering, psychology, Spanish, web development, statistics, Microsoft office and math. A variety of options such as eChat, eQuestions, eWriting lab, student tutorials and resources are available to help students with their problem areas. Lorain County Community College eTutoring services are offered at Lorain County Community College and the college is a member of Classes are provided in a wide range of subjects from biology, chemistry, writing, math, accounting and calculus II. With multiple options for tutoring such as eQuestions, eWriting, eChat and resources, The LCC Tutoring Center does offer the students a lot of flexible options to choose from and this in turn helps them understand better as they can choose the right medium for themselves to learn and improve their GPAs. Tutor Pace is a leading online tutoring services provider with a wide array of professional tutoring services in a variety of subject areas. With a lot of interactive and innovative learning tools, eminent tutors and flexible learning options, Tutor Pace offers an excellent online learning platform for students at pocket-friendly rates. The assignment help services and homework help provided are top notch and students find it easier to voice their doubts and thus learn better and score high under the tutelage of the professional online tutors employed here.

Should I Go To Harvard University

Should I Go To Harvard University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Michele is a Chicago tutor specializing in LSAT prep tutoring, Essay Editing tutoring, AP English tutoring, and more. She is a graduate of Harvard University with a Bachelors degree in English. Check out her review of her alma mater: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Michele: Harvard is nestled in the middle of the town of Cambridge, Massachusetts, right off of one of the public transit train stops (the T train). It is very easy to get around by public transit, and most students do not have or need cars (in fact, those who had cars often found them to be more trouble than they were worth given the cost of parking!). VT:How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Michele: Professors, academic advisors, and teaching assistants are happy to make themselves available, but in order to make sure you have the best experience, be sure to take the initiative to seek them out. Make a note of professors and teaching assistants office hours and go to them. Be ready with a specific question related to the classs topic and be prepared to engage in a lively academic debate. Almost always, they will be glad you took the time to show up! VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Michele: Harvard has a system of houses, rather than dormitories, which goes back hundreds of years (literally!). Almost every house has its own dining hall, library, and common room. Although this is less true than in the past, each house has its own personality. Adams House, for example, was known to be academic and a bit quirky. A lot of the socialization on campus is based around the house you live in after your freshman year, so take advantage of dances / social hours at your house early on. You wont regret it, and your house may come to feel like a home. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Michele: Harvard has an excellent academic reputation, so it is difficult to identify particular programs or majors that stand out from others. Every major, from the fine arts to liberal arts to sciences, to engineering and mathematics has a stellar reputation, so its hard to go wrong. I studied English, in part because I was particularly impressed with the schools wide and deep offerings in Shakespearian studies. The university did an excellent job supporting my interest, and I was even able to help start a student organization that performed Shakespeares plays each semester. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Michele: Harvard is a large university, even though its undergraduate campus can feel small. Many of my friendships from my freshman year began with my roommates and the people I met in different extracurricular activities. Greek life does not play a significant role in campus life. Especially early on, make the effort to talk to and get to know other students. This wont happen quite as easily as it would at a smaller school, but if you put in the effort, youll be well-rewarded (and you are likely to find that other students are eager to get to know their classmates as well). VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Michele: Harvards Career Center is excellent, and in particular, the resume preparation advice I received there was invaluable (almost 15 years later, I still have and refer people to Harvards resume guide!). When it comes to recruiting, Harvards reputation will bring many companies to your doorstep. Almost any large company recruiting undergraduates will seek out and interview Harvard students. It will be up to you to close the deal, though! VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Michele: Harvards libraries are, in a word, gorgeous. And they are also excellent places to go to study. The Loker Reading room in Widener library is a beautiful and quiet place to focus and prepare for finals, for example. Because Harvard has houses rather than dorms, the house libraries are often where students study. Again, these are beautiful spaces and do not tend to be overcrowded. Dont expect them to be boisterous students are serious about study time! VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Michele: One common joke among Harvard students was that a student was more likely to visit New York City than downtown Boston. Its surprisingly easy to get to New York City from Cambridge, and many students make the trip on the weekends. The city of Cambridge is a nice college town with a mix of coffee shops, book stores, and small restaurants. There isnt a large bar scene but there are a variety of small pubs. The movie, Good Will Hunting, wasnt far off here! VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Michele: Harvards undergraduate student body is approximately 4,000 students larger than many students think. Class sizes vary widely and shrink significantly (from over 100 students to 6-10 students) once you begin taking upper-level classes. One little-known fact is that some graduate courses can be open to undergraduate students upon permission of the professor. If you develop a good relationship with a professor early on, consider asking that professor if you might be able to take his or her graduate-level course. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Michele: One of my favorite Harvard memories is a lecture a professor gave on the life and work of the author, Virginia Woolf. She cared so passionately about the subject and constructed the lecture so well that it went far beyond being informative it was powerful and moving. Thats the only time I have ever seen a spontaneous standing ovation for a lecture! Check out Micheles tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Our Tips For Mastering LinkedIn

Our Tips For Mastering LinkedIn Top Tips For Professional Social Networking ChaptersRegistration Tips For LinkedInLinkedIn Profile TipsPersonal Brand Networking Tips On LinkedinOnline Professional Etiquette Tips For LinkedInProfessional networks are underutilised resources when it comes to finding a job, securing new opportunities or promoting your company to a new audience. A lot of this resistance can be to do with shyness, lack of confidence or being unclear about what you can say to really communicate effectively.But with professional networks like LinkedIn which are entirely online; you will have all the tools to create your own network of mutually beneficial contacts using a well-known social media format. You no longer have to worry about saying the wrong thing to the influencer, recruiter, prospect or entrepreneur. Because with LinkedIn, it is all about what you have written and what you post. You now have time to consider your answers and present yourself using clear communication.Presenting yourself online is very different to doing it face to face , as it gives you time to prepare an effective presentation to the audience that will use your services. It allows you to polish your message to ensure that you don’t lose opportunities when you connect with influential people for your dream job search or business. In this case, your primary focus will be on preparing a striking profile, adding a CV, providing additional documents, engaging in relevant group chat, while also showing that you know your stuff with great comments on posts.But now you are faced with a new problem, how do you learn to communicate effectively with your words? And how do you set up a profile that opens doors for you? Do not panic, here are all our tips!Your LinkedIn summary should expand on your tag line and go into a bit more depth about you. Photo Source: Unsplashyou are encouraged to join in with groups in your industry. This allows you to contribute with the like button, comments and even your own content. Contributing to groups is one of the best wa ys to build your networks, meet new people and build your authority as a leader in your field.Endorsements and Recommendations are a way for your network to verify your skills and character. For example when you create a skill such as ‘typing’ Your friends, boss, colleagues and anyone who knows that you can type can go to your profile and give your skill an endorsement. In the offline world, this would be called a reference. References online are called social proof and are some of the most powerful ways to communicate your value and skill to a professional network.Online Professional Etiquette Tips For LinkedInAlthough LinkedIn is an online network, it is a professional one. Think of LinkedIn as you being in your suit in the office and facebook as being at home in your PJs. There are a time and a place for everything and understanding the difference is online etiquette. Which will go a long way in your professional networking.For Example:Emailing large numbers of people imperso nal emails trying to sell your services or Searching for jobs is not the way that online networking works. This is called spamming, not networking.Similarly, you wouldn’t walk up to random people and push your CV into their faces. In life, in almost all cases success comes from building rapport and helping people rather than trying just to help yourself.For example, proper etiquette in contacting someone that you don’t know could be to contact them and tell them that you have seen their website and love what they are doing but…insert an issue that you have seen. Then tell them that you could fix it for them for free if they agree to review your services.This is thoughtful, and you are offering something as a favour while asking for a small favour in return. While this is not the only way to contact people, it is 100% better than emailing them your CV and begging for them to hire you. If you spend time to create a resume, cover letter, CV or online profile, you have to optimize your networking skills to empower these tools to work for you and not against you.Professional networks are underutilised resources. Photo Source: UnsplashOnline etiquette, therefore, is very similar to real life etiquette and should be observed as much as possible. The ability to demonstrate proper etiquette will allow you to build rapport with the person that you are communicating with and open doors for you and your business.LinkedIn may seem like a challenging step to take in your pursuit of new connections. But the power of LinkedIn is that everyone using the service is motivated to make new connections and to leverage these connections so that mutual success can come to everyone.LinkedIn is excellent at creating new opportunities for everyone, from the student in college to the hiring manager to the tech-savvy entrepreneur and founder in Silicon Valley. The job alert, job searches, one click searches, network building, groups, industry job board and information sharing. Not t o mention it is available via the website and on the LinkedIn mobile app. So you can genuinely connect and network anytime, anywhere.This is because networking connections are what make business and careers a success, giving engaged users a competitive advantage. I hope you are going to register for your LinkedIn account right now if you don’t have one already. See you there!